Hardware(Embedded, IoT) Hacking - Package
About training

    The threat of hardware hacking is also increasing as a variety of embedded devices such as smart platforms, office equipment,
    and home appliances become popular and the era of full-scale Internet (IoT) is coming. The purpose of this training is to
    understand the principles of hardware hacking and to focus on developing your own hardware-based hacking tools beyond just
    using open tools.

    * This page allows you to apply for a 20% discount on Hardware (Embedded, IoT) Hacking 1-5 series.
        1. AVR programming
        2. UART hacking
        3. Flash Memory Dump
        4. JTAG Hacking
        5. Router exploitation (ARM Exploitation)

    * Hardware (Embedded, IoT) Hacking series lectures last a total of 8 days over a period of 2 ~ 3 months in total.

    * If your schedule does not meet the lecture schedules, you can continue attending from next classes.

Basic information

    • Subject : Hardware(Embedded, IoT) Hacking - Package
    • Trainer : GooHong Jung (Grayhash principal researcher, operator of HackerSchool)
    • Schedule : Please refer to each training pages
    • Hours : 10am ~ 6pm (8 hours a day including lunch and break time)
    • Location : Bundang-gu JeongJa-dong GrayHash training room [MAP]
    • Price : KRW 2,720,000 (Plus VAT 10%) - 20% discounted from KRW 3,400,000
    • All lunch and refreshments included

Main subjects

    • AVR microcontroller programming
    • Understanding Hardware Communication Protocols
    • UART & JTAG Hacking
    • ARM Reversing & Exploitation
    • Router Remote Exploitation
    • Practice developing hardware hacking tool using AVR
    • Embedded device hacking: wireless router, smart phone, home network, CCTV, etc


    1~2nd day - AVR Programming

    • http://grayhash.com/html/Training_Desc.html?subject=HardwareHacking1

    3~4th day - UART Hacking

    • http://grayhash.com/html/Training_Desc.html?subject=HardwareHacking2

    5th day - Flash Memory Dump

    • http://grayhash.com/html/Training_Desc.html?subject=HardwareHacking4

    6th day - JTAG Hacking

    • http://grayhash.com/html/Training_Desc.html?subject=HardwareHacking5

    7~8th day - Router exploitation : ARM Exploitation

    • http://grayhash.com/html/Training_Desc.html?subject=HardwareHacking3

Reference book and hands-on devices

    • Please refer to each training pages

Trainee's preparation

    • Please refer to each training pages.

Photos of previous trainings


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   (Name or nickname please. Only this and review will be public.)